Fox & their friends – the reason the facebalm was invented

July 8, 2009

Wow, two Fox “News” stories in one day! As well as one story that’s only very loosely related because it’s exactly the kind of thing you’d expect to hear on Fox “News.”

1. First, the Friendly Atheist reports about Fox’s latest attempt to paint President Obama as an anti-Christian out to ban religion. This came after Chris Rodda of the Daily Kos reported about an unconstitutional tradition of public-funded military planes doing flyovers at evangelical Christian events. After the Military Religious Freedom Foundation exposed this scandal, the flyovers stopped, including those scheduled for the “God and Country Festival” in Idaho, an overtly Christian event.

This led to Gretchen Carlson of Fox and Friends bringing Patrick Mahoney of the Christian Defense Coalition onto her show to condemn the change in policy and inexplicably blame Obama for this incident and use the event as a platform to call the president an anti-Christian bigot.  Carlson didn’t have anyone else on the show to debate the other side because. . .you know, Fox is “fair and balanced. And to give a hint of what an extraordinary idiot (or liar–I report, you decide) Mr. Mahoney is, at one point he says that the Constitution says Americans have the freedom of religion and NOT the freedom from religion. Apparently, he’s never actually read the Constitution.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Yeah, see liberals! The Constitution says nothing about all about freedom from rel–OH!

One wonders what Carlson’s reaction would be if she heard military planes were doing flyovers at a Muslim festival.

2. Although this story isn’t actually about Fox “News,” it involves such enormous ignorance combined with pure vitriolic hatred for President Obama that you’d swear it was voiced by a Fox “News” pundit.

Now I’ve blogged before about Julia Sweeney, the intelligent and well-spoken former Saturday Night Live star who became an outspoken atheist and even made a one-woman show out of the story of her apostasy. Well, one of her former castmates, Victoria Jackson, kinda went another way since the show ended. She became a batshit insane Religious Right evangelical loon. And Victoria Jackson had this to say about our President in her latest unstructured and erratic blog rant:

Obama legally kills babies and now he can legally kill Grandmas!

Hitler did this.  He killed the weak, the sick, the old, and babies and races/religions he didn’t like.  Hitler also controlled the media.  (Where’s the public debate between scientists on “Climate Change/Global Warming?”)   Hitler had the VW bug invented as the state car. What will O’s nationalized car be? So… kill off the weak.  That’s the plan.  Tax the workers to death.  Erase the middle class.  Sounds like the evil governments we studied in high school long ago.  The evil governments were :  kings, oligarchies, facist, socialist, and communist.  Now it’s called the Obama Administration. Sounds like candy or a rock band.

And to get a closer look into the strange world that is Victoria Jackson’s mind, here’s how the blog began:

I’d been wondering why the liberals are so passionate about this Health Care thing.  It couldn’t be because they actually care about sick, poor people.  If they did, they would visit hospitals, and give ten percent of their gross salaries to Compassion International and World Vision, like us stupid church go-ers do. Biden gave $ 62 to charity last year.

No, there’s gotta be a catch.  I guess this question was sitting in my brain and during my sleep, my brain was working on it, because when I suddenly awoke at 3 a.m.  I had the answer.


Social Security and Medicare are broke.  Baby boomers, like me, are getting old and will soon be asking for it.  Socialized medicine makes people die. You stand in a long, long line with a breast lump, clogged artery, or sharp pencil stuck in your eye, and someone like the DMV person, who can’t speak English, has chewing gum, an attitiude, really long fake nails that curl up at the end,  and is talking on a cell phone, enjoying their power trip moment, is finally face to face with you.  They mumble something incoherent about paperwork. You die. One less person in line for Social Security and Medicare!

Socialized medicine makes people die.” And no, that’s not my emphasis. SHE put that statement in BOLD. WOW! Yeah, what’s with all those liberals who are actually concerned about that little “Health Care thing” anyway? Who needs if it makes Victoria Jackson have to wait a little bit longer on a line that no other public health care countries actually have and if it resembles some stereotyped version of the DMV. And let’s not let little details like the fact that the DMV, the U.S. Postal Service, and other commonly cited examples actually work quite well despite some people finding them annoying to deal with–let’s not let all that get in the way of a perfectly good non-sensical criticism. I think the host of The Young Turks said it best: Victoria Jackson is really this dumb.

3. And did I detect the slightest hint of racism or xenophobia in that depiction of DMV employees? Nah! But speaking of racism, that brings me to Brian Kilmeade also of Fox & Friends, who had this to say:

Wow! What did he just say?

BRIAN KILMEADE: We keep marrying other species and other ethnics–

GRETCHEN CARLSON: Are you sure they are not suffering from some of the causes of dementia right now?

BRIAN KILMEADE: The problem is the Swedes have pure genes. They marry other Swedes, that’s the rule. Finns marry other Finns; they have a pure society. In America we marry everybody. We will marry Italians and Irish.

Huh. Interesting. Thanks for the insightful biology lesson there, Brian.