Atheists & pastafarians most generous on Kiva

I’ve blogged about before. It’s the site that allows people to lend money to micro-finance institutions in developing countries which in turn lend the money to small businesses. Well back in March, I reported that the number one donating team on Kiva is the “Atheists, Agnostics, Skeptics, Freethinkers, Secular Humanists and the Non-Religious.” Now, we’re still leading on Kiva with over 5,000 members, while Kiva Christians are number 2.

But if you sort by category, under “Religious Congregations,” The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster with over 600 members is leading with the Catholic Kiva as number 2. This news has also made it into USA Today. Bobby Henderson Bobby Henderson from the The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is trying to get his team to surpass the $100,000 mark.

Let nobody ever tell you that atheists and pastafarians aren’t charitable.

9 Responses to Atheists & pastafarians most generous on Kiva

  1. beneficii says:

    I’m curious, have you looked at this website:

    Could you do a critique of the blog?

  2. mjr256 says:

    I haven’t critiqued that particular site but I have posted information debunking Birther claims here:

    Obama Birthers are on the run

  3. beneficii says:

    Basically, he discusses a wide range of issues that I think are fit for a skeptic to criticize.

  4. mjr256 says:

    I don’t know what his readership is like but I’d rather focus my energy on bigger fish and not help promote any of the smaller guys. Besides, that blog seems to cover a lot of the stuff I cover here and elsewhere anyway.

    For instance, I address I address anti-vaccine claims here frequently, as well as at the two following sites:

  5. beneficii says:

    I see. How about Robert Felix, the author of


    He has a book published on each subject:

    Basically, he argues in the first book that an ice age is about to hit; in the second book, he says that magnetic reversals are very destructive and they are responsible for mass extinctions that result in rapid bouts of evolution. I’m wondering if you would set to that.

  6. mjr256 says:

    I have a collection of materials debunking popular Global Warming Denialists here:

  7. […] Kiva atheists make $1,000,000 in charity – I’ve blogged about before. It’s the site that allows people to lend money to micro-finance institutions in developing […]

  8. Xenu Incarnate says:

    Before the Big Bang there was no space, matter, energy, or time. The Flying Spaghetti Monster is a being of matter requireing space, time, and energy to even exist. The Flying Spaghetti Monster is said to have created the contingent universe. So, the Flying Spaghetti Monster did not create the universe or even exist. Sorry to disprove someones (an idiots) religion, but this does show that it can be done. These sort of actions are as retarded as that woman from an atheist camp that has kids searching for invicible unicorns to prove, in the words of one of its employes, “you can’t prove a negative.”

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